Sunday, February 12, 2006



Life is calling for a new order, a new way of being, and it will take courage for the human to make this leap. How does it work? It means jumping into this mystery. The familiar is gone. Everything is new. It's kind of neat though. How much fun would it be to wake up in the morning and realize you are brand new! A magical thing has happened overnight; you are transformed into a new you. All the problems of yesterday are laid to rest. You have a whole new set of possibilities in this moment. You can put everything that you want into this moment. Yes, you really are new each morning. While you were sleeping things have been removed. You think you are dreaming, but actually, the brain is house cleaning. It's sweeping things out, moving them out of the way. So, if you're smart, when you wake up, you'll leave them out of the way. What kind of person would work hard cleaning the house, sucking everything up in the vacuum cleaner, only to dump it back on the floor?

Life is what it is, moment by moment. Life is the direct opportunity for a direct experience of a new possibility every moment. Maybe it takes courage to embrace that. There is so much guilt in the world. Guilt creates fear. Guilt opens the door to retaliation, which is pointless. So what if you get even with somebody? That means that someone else needs to get even with you. Stop it. Quit. Move away. Don't stay there. Move on.

I don't know why humans think that life is hard, that life is difficult. It is a trash program. Trash! Make each experience pay by transcending it, not holding on to it. The experience then falls into the synergy of your life, into the perfect place, and you move on. You realize a bigger picture. It's easier than you think. The only anchor you have is your own intellect holding on to something. Let go of it. It may keep creeping back in, and you keep letting go of it. When you really know that it's not important, that it's past stuff, it's easy to let it go, and then it stays let go of.

The universe creates those possibilities that are viable in the present, and there are lots of other possibilities waiting in the wings. There is no shortage of possibilities. You are a mini-universe. You are part of the bigger one. Because you are part of the universe, you are the universe being you, and you have access to all sorts of possibilities.

You can get so caught into the suffering, the indifference, the ignorance of the world, forgetting that all of it is constantly being recreated by your own life force. You can just as well create a new world. You can create a morphic field, memes, which hold a higher perspective, a more connected and transcendent awareness that allows for a greater experience. You don't expect anything to change immediately. Things that have been set into motion will have to play out, but resistance or attachment to the way things need to play out prolongs the playing out. If you just let go of them, if you can bring yourself to ignore them, they play out more quickly.

There is resistance to change: a new paradigm, a new way of looking at the world, a new species, the new human, The New Consciousness, these are all-important realizations, because they are ushering into this reality a new way of seeing and being. It is interesting to know that this way of seeing and being could not happen in the past: the brain was not ready; the human was not ready; Life itself was not ready. It's taken all of history, all of this becoming, all of this unfolding and evolving to bring the human to this place where there can be a quantum leap, a change, a transformation, a new way of seeing a new reality of Life. All that was past has served in various ways, often limited, but the past has made the foundation for this moment, for this now. Just leave it as it is.

Right now, the human being is stuck in this in-between place. There is the knowing that it doesn't have to be this way, but there is the belief that it does have to be this way. The belief and the knowing are in conflict. You can move toward the knowing as much as possible. You don't deny the way it is, but you don't pay tribute to the belief that it has to be this way. You look and say, "I can be different. I can find my uniqueness. I can embrace that universal desire that I am. I can become the universal human, the trans-human, the beyond human, the excited human, the other human, the all." You are closer to that than you think. It gets seemingly more difficult the closer you get to the breakthrough, because the intellect is going haywire. Programs are being deleted; neural pathways are dropping away. The brain is wondering, "What am I going to do? I'm losing me." No, you're not losing you. You're losing stuff. Rest assured that whatever is beneficial to your finding yourself will remain intact. Life doesn't delete anything that is useful.

We are in this intense process of creating a new being, a new you. You are free to create the you that you desire to be, always making sure that your desires are not false, that your desires are not programs. You have a vital connection to the universe-that-you-are, knowing that what the universe is desiring is what you desire. The universe desires experience. The universe desires to know itself. Isn't that what you desire? See, you are the universe. You desire to know the universe. You desire experience.

Because you are the creator of your body, you are the creator of your life. You are the universe creating you. You have the power and the authority to change your creation by changing your mind. You can acknowledge how it is, and in the same breath acknowledge that it doesn't have to be that way. That is not denial. There is an open opportunity. How it can be? The universe-that-you-are is totally creative and powerful. It's just that consensus reality has become something that restrains, holds back, and misdirects, but it is the illusion. Anything that you believe has power over you will have power over you. Anything that you accept as reality will be your reality.

It's time to create yourself in the image of the universe, the explorer, the experiencer, the lover, the manifester, and the creator. There is so much waiting to be accessed. And it's already yours. You already have it. It's there. It's genetic. Your light cells are waiting for that go-for-it energy, the inspiration.

The new human, The New Consciousness is all about this new paradigm, this totally new embracing of the universe on its terms. To embrace the Life-that-is, to connect, to experience, to expand in that awareness is such a trip, such a magnificent, absolutely outrageous opening! The whole of earth history has been in preparation for this step. Everything has served. All that's left is to take the step into the unknown, which is really not unknown. The cells know. Your genes know what to do. If you give them free reign, if you stop holding back, if you go for the mystery, if you take the next step, your body responds to the possibility. Transformation and transcendence go hand in hand as you take the next step. The intellect says, "I don't see a next step." It doesn't want to see a step. It's become too comfortable and complacent with the way things have been. It resists a new way of seeing and being.

Your life is a synergy of experiences, and the only judge there is is your own mind, your own perception of what's right and what's wrong, what should have been, what could have been, what didn't happen. That is the nature of your brain. The neural network really can make discernments about what's useful, what's life-enhancing, and what's a limitation. If it is not interfered with by various beliefs and concepts, the brain itself will delete neural pathways that are not beneficial, as long as you know that it can happen.

It is time to recreate yourself in the image of the universe, the image of new Life, new awareness, and new experiences. The new you can be taking birth in this moment.
© Alaya® 2005

Ishvara is the spiritual leader of Alaya, an independent, nonprofit, spiritual organization dedicated to the ongoing awakening of the highest consciousness. We invite you to visit our website at, or to contact us via e:mail through


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